Leslie Truex, the Virginia author of The Work-At-Home Success Bible, has a major local connection.

“I’m a Sonoma County native graduating from Santa Rosa High School in 1984. My father, Pete Golis, is a well-known Sonoma County writer, so it may not be a surprise to anyone but my English teachers that I’m a published author. I was a student of the infamous Mr. DeSoto who I’m certain would be surprised, but pleased at my success, and whose voice I can still hear when I write,” explains Truex. “I live in Central Virginia where I work at home as a contract adoption social worker and online entrepreneur including the 11-year-old WorkAtHomeSuccess.com. I’m married to a Marin County boy and have two children ages 14 and 11.”

About her new book, Truex adds: “Today it’s easier than ever to work-from-home if people take time to understand what in involved and make a plan. The Work-At-Home Success Bible is the book I wish I had when I started my work-at-home journey. It has the information and resources women need to get a work-at-home job or build a home business, find balance in working and living under one roof, and create a plan to make it all happen.”

Truex’s new book includes a series of “Laws of Work-At-Home Success” strewn throughout the book. For those hoping to start working at home, Truex offers these tips for success.

1) Study first. Nearly all jobs have training or schooling, yet most people jump in to working at home (and usually scams) without learning about telecommuting, freelancing or home business.

2) Stick with what you know, love or already do. There is no sign up- get paid program. Nearly everyone I know who works at home took a skill, hobby or passion they had to find or create work they can do from home.

3) Make a plan. While there is something to be said for “jumping in with both feet” if you don’t know what you’re going to do as you start to sink, you’re going to fail.

4) Learn about marketing. Whether you want a job or a business, you have to market yourself.

5) Do something that will make money every day. Moving papers from one side of the desk to the other isn’t going to make money. Focus on the activities that make money and execute them every day.

6) Don’t quit. It can take time to find the best work-at-home option. Further, no matter what you choose, there will be bad days. Really bad days. Learn to deal with the frustration and disappointments, and stick to your plan. The only people who don’t succeed at working at home are those who give up trying.

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