If you’re hoping someone gives you a book or two this holiday season, or you’re looking for a worthy read to give to a friend, you’ve come to the right place. Sonoma County, with its rich arts culture, is home to many talented and accomplished writers. Some are known across the nation, and others are just waiting to be discovered. From Sharon Hamilton, a former real estate agent who now writes bestselling Navy Seal romance books to Seré Prince Halverson, whose debut novel was noticed by Oprah Winfrey, if you’re looking to support a local author and find your next great read, you’ll definitely want to add these books to your holiday list.

Check out a few notable Sonoma County authors in the gallery above. Have any to add? Let us know in the comments.

Crissi Langwell is the online content producer at The Press Democrat, and the author of several books, many based in Sonoma County. Visit her website at crissilangwell.com.

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