The second season of Netflix series “13 Reasons Why,” is midway through film production here in Sonoma County. Would you like to meet the author behind the series?

Jay Asher, who wrote the book that inspired the Netflix series, will be at the Charles Schulz Museum on Saturday to talk about his latest young adult novels, “The Future of Us” (coauthored with Printz-honor winner Carolyn Mackler) and “What Light,” plus his soon-to-be-released graphic novel, “Piper.”

His novel, ‘What Light,’ tells of Sierra, a girl who lives on a a Christmas tree farm in Oregon, and must travel every winter to California as her family sets up their seasonal tree lot. When Sierra is in Oregon, she misses California. When she’s in California, she misses Oregon. Except this Christmas, when she meets Caleb.

From the publisher:

Caleb is not your perfect guy: years ago, he made an enormous mistake and has been paying for it ever since. But Sierra sees beyond Caleb’s past and becomes determined to help him find forgiveness and, maybe, redemption. As disapproval, misconceptions, and suspicions swirl around them, Caleb and Sierra discover the one thing that transcends all else: true love.

The events at the Charles Schulz Museum starts at 2 p.m. Admission to the event is free with museum admission, which is $5 students, $8 seniors and $12 adults. Tickets are on a first come, first serve basis, starting at 10 a.m. Find out more at

Visit Jay Asher’s website at


Crissi Langwell is a Sonoma County novelist and the web producer at the Press Democrat. Visit her website at

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