“No, we didn’t make it around the world, but we were able to wrap the world around us,” Petaluma author Janis Lasky Couvreux writes in her recently released memoir, “Sail Cowabunga! A Family’s Ten Years at Sea.” The story follows Couvreux’s ten-year journey at sea with her husband, Michel, and their two young sons, telling of triumphs and mishaps as they crossed four continents by water. Couvreux paints a vivid picture of what it was like to live as a family of four on a 42-foot sailboat, facing dangers head-on and the terrifying medical emergency that sent her husband across the globe — twice. But amid the hardships were this sailing family’s norms of cooking, schooling and sleeping at sea, with the whole world as their front yard.

Couvreux is an award-winning writer and former journalist, and she describes herself as a “Franco-American, lover of languages, travel and adventure addict, sailor, mom, and grandmom.” She writes for publications that include Huffington Post, Pryme Magazine, and The Lady Alliance, sharing about living bilingually, her backpacking and sailing adventures and raising her kids outside the box. “Sail Cowabunga! A Family’s Ten Years at Sea” won first place in the Adult Nonfiction category at the 2017 San Francisco Writers Conference.

To celebrate the launch of “Sail Cowabunga!,” a book launch party will be held on Sunday, Dec. 3, 2-4 p.m. at restaurant 256 North on Petaluma Blvd. North in Petaluma. Janis Lasky Couvreux will be there to talk about her book and sign copies. The event includes a no host bar. If you’d like to attend, please RSVP by emailing janis@janiscouvreux.com.

Learn more, including where you can find “Sail Cowabunga!” at Couvreux’s website, www.janiscouvreux.com.

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